
Professional Interest Areas (PIAs) are assemblies of ISTAART members with common research specialties or interests. PIAs provide a forum for networking and education, offer mentoring and career guidance for junior scientists, and help researchers and practitioners share the latest techniques and information. PIAs are composed of at least 25 individuals and are open to ISTAART members only. 

See the full list of current PIAs here.

Instructions & Guidelines

1. Applications must demonstrate the unmet need for the proposed new PIA. Proponents must initiate their application by meeting with ISTAART's leadership to discuss their proposal. 

2. Each application must have 4 leads / organizers. These 4 members will form the core executive committee members if the new PIA is accepted: Chair, Vice Chair, Programs Chair and Communications Chair.
(PIA executive committee terms are 2 years. The individual who takes the Vice Chair role will transition to the Chair role for two subsequent years.)

3. Applications must be supported by at least 25 additional members from ISTAART's membership. Individuals named on the application may be non-members, but are required to join ISTAART within 30 days of PIA approval.

4. [Optional] Applicants are encouraged to prepare submissions to AAIC's Featured Research Sessions or to the ISTAART Educational Workshop Program. This is not essential for submission but will facilitate a smoother onboarding process if the new PIA is approved, and will set up the new PIA for success during the probationary period. 

5. This application form must be submitted in full by June 1st. In addition to the names of 4 leads and 25 signatories, applicants must prepare a statement of need, and set out a minimum of 3 goals for Year 1 and 5 goals for Year 2. See examples of PIA goals.

[Download a draft pdf of this application form here]

Application Review Process

Applications submitted by June 1st will be reviewed by the ISTAART Advisory Council (IAC). Applications submitted after this date will be rolled over to the following year. 

The IAC will discuss proposals in July and PIA organizers will be invited to respond to the review through August. The primary PIA organizer will be notified of the council’s review. PIA organizers may be invited to give a short (5-minute) presentation to the ISTAART Advisory Council.

Accepted proposals are notified by September 1st of that year.

New PIAs are introduced on a 2-year probationary basis. Upon completion of the probationary period, goals and achievements will be reviewed to determine if the PIA will be established or sunset.

See the workflow for new PIA proposals.  

Question Title

* 1. Please check the box below to begin your application.